Nell Phoenix is a London-based professional storyteller with a global reputation for telling tales that excite and arouse the imagination. Her stories are traditional, re-told to amaze, provoke wonder and awe, and to make you laugh!

Nell travels to all parts of the UK and far-off places to teach storytelling skills and share stories with audiences of all ages in venues of all shapes and sizes.

 'Een knaller van een avond!!! Het was geweldig!'
Marijke Goossens, Little Red, Netherlands

'Nell is the chilli-chocolate of the storytelling world'

Debs Newbold, Globe Educator and EDFSS Storyteller in Residence

‘Totally absorbing! Great performance. Humour. Suspense. Thoroughly engaging!’

BLAST Storytelling Club 2016

'Phoenix is a mercurial and captivating performer.'

Dave Fargnoli Exeunt Magazine

People are hungry for stories. It is part of our very being.

Studs Terkel

Without stories we would go mad. Stories can conquer fear, you know. They make the heart larger.

Ben Okri